
COR Transport Inspection

All Transport leaving Caporn Yard requires an inspection by yard staff to ensure it is in line with our quality standard.
Caporn Piling

COR Transport Inspection

All Transport leaving Caporn Yard requires an inspection by yard staff to ensure it is in line with our quality standard.

    Inspection Carried out by

    Loading From

    Project Destination

    Transport Company

    Drivers Name

    Drivers Phone#

    Photo Front of Prime Mover (Rego inc)

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    Photo Rear of Trailer (Rego inc)

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    Obtain verbal confirmation that driver has current license and compliant with class of vehicle

    Obtain verbal confirmation that driver has required work hours available and has taken required rest/sleep breaks

    Obtain verbal confirmation that driver is fit to perform this trip in a safe manner

    Obtain verbal confirmation driver is drug and alcohol free

    Specify fatigue management accreditation level

    Driver to acknow ledge intention to adhere to speed and fatigue requirements under HVNL

    Driver to declare that vehicle has been inspected and maintained to the best of his knowledge

    Driver to declare all restraints in good condition and load restrained to meet legal requirements

    Driver to declare mass and dimension requirements compliant with HVNL.

    Driver to specify type of permit this load travelling under

    Are all load components effectively restrained and secured against movement during transit?

    Photo of Loaded trailer LHS

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    Photo of loaded trailer RHS

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    Drivers Signature

    Click here to sign

    Loader Signature

    Click here to sign
Source: Caporn Piling (Community Member)

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